Friday, December 28, 2012

Bread Cloth off the loom

This is the first time I tried huck lace with cotton. It doesn't show up well which is what I thought might happen. But the cloth itself turned out nicely!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Paper Catcher off of Warp Beam

Paper Catcher - as it unrolls from warp beam

I inserted a dowel into holes that are above my treadle rod. As I wove and the paper started to unroll from the beamed warp, I started it around the dowel. This worked very well. Most of the time, the paper just rolled itself around the dowel with very little help from me. This is on a Toika Norjaana with a weaving width of about 34 1/2". On a wider loom, you could use a metal rod which comes in a longer length. This keeps the paper from unrolling all over the floor!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Spinners, Weavers, Fiber Artists in DeKalb Illinois area?

I would like to see if there are other fiber artists in the area who are interested in starting a casual-type guild, meeting once a month or so to spin, share projects, etc. Let me know if you are interested!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Bread Basket Cloths - almost done!

This is the last of the bread basket cloths on this warp. They have huck lace diamonds in the areas between the stripes.