Tuesday, June 17, 2014
More Color!
I did more dyeing over the weekend. The teal is darker than it looks on my monitor. I wanted gradations of color, so had 2 dyepots going with the teal. When I bought the Cranbrook, I got a lot of great yarn with it, and some colors that aren't what I would normally use.
The yarns above on the left are overdyed yarns. The yarns below are the ones that I dyed over with teal.
I have one more color to dye this weekend and then I'll be ready to weave the rug!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Love my Cranbrook!
I just took the sampler off the loom and I am going to love weaving on this loom. I was able to start dyeing some wool yarn this weekend but have more left to do.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Go for it!
For years, I have thought that I would like to have an orchid. But I never bought one because I thought it wouldn't grow well, since I might not have enough humidity, or the right amount of light.
This past winter it was so cold and snowy for so long and I saw this orchid sitting in a display at Walmart for $10 and I thought, "why not?". Even if the blooms lasted for only a couple of weeks, the beauty of the flowers would be well worth it.
I have sometimes forgotten to water it for a couple of weeks. It sits on the windowsill in my home office and it got kind of chilly up there when it was cold outside.
It just keeps blooming. It has been blooming now for at least 4 months. It seems to be happy where it's at.
There is a lesson in this for me. That I can sometimes just do something that might not be sensible or seem like a logical thing to do and it can bring a lot of unexpected joy into my life if I will take that leap of faith.
And maybe since it's going to be sticking around for a while, it's time to get it a real pot.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
First I did some sampling with the shaft switcher, which didn't work well because I used nails instead of eye hooks and the doups slid right off - which I thought they might. But I tied the ss warps to either harness 2 or 3, just to see how the spacing of 5epi worked with various yarns and after all, that's what I really wanted to know. This portion is plain weave. Because I warped this up in a 4 end block weave, I am also able to do plain weave, just using 2 other treadles tied up 1&4 and 2&3. I'm going to start a rug using that and I wanted to see how various colors worked with each other. I washed my skeins of white yarn yesterday and ordered the dyes which should be here by next weekend. It's good to be doing weft-faced weaving again. And I got another towel done on the David loom.
By the time I have woven this rug, the shaft switching device should be finished and then I'll have levers!